
The state of being open to meaningful participation by all people, in particular people whose participation (in this activity or in society at general) is usually limited by oppression of some kind. Accessibility in general means being free of barriers into [which can be placed by the group inadvertently or advertently (e.g. lack of childcare or a members-only policy) and/or can be placed by society (e.g. housing must be paid for rather than being a right, etc.)] … AND free of limits to participation once present(e.g. a university with a Eurocentric curriculum is not accessible to Native students even if there is funding for them to get there.)

Sometimes the term “accessibility” is used with specific reference to the needs of people with disabilities. A space cannot be deemed “accessible” in this sense if the atmosphere is ableist, even if measures are in place (e.g. wheelchair-accessible entrance/facilities that are safe and dignified, Braille/large-print/audio-tape resources, TTY and sign language interpretation).