The Colours of Resistance Archive is a collection of analysis and tools for liberatory organizing and movement-building.

Author: SpencerMann

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American Under Attack?

Shortly before press time, four American commercial airplanes were hijacked and crashed in what is being heralded as the largest terrorist attack ever. Two planes demolished the World Trade Center, one hit the Pentagon and one was forced down in … Continue reading

The Truth That Never Hurts: Writings on Race, Gender and Freedom

Rutgers University Press. 1998. 218 Pages. “While the Right is united by their racism, sexism, and homophobia in their goal to dominate all of us, we are divided by our own racism, sexism, and homophobia” – Suzanna Pharr “It is … Continue reading

When Race Burns Class: “Settlers” Revisited

EC: In the early eighties you wrote Settlers: Mythology of the White Proletariat, a book which had a major impact on many North American anti-imperialists. How did this book come about, and what was so new about its way of looking … Continue reading

From The Road: Snapshots of Living Resistance – a zine for liberation by Sonja S. and Jennica B.

The advancements of US imperialism got you down? Looking for inspiration to keep your passion burning for building mass based anti-racist, multiracial, feminist, queer and trans liberationist, anti-capitalist movements working for collective liberation? You should read this zine. The editors, … Continue reading

An Interview with Ramona Africa

Ramona Africa is the sole adult survivor of the May 13, 1985 massacre of 11 members of the MOVE organization. The FBI and the City of Philadelphia dropped a C4 bomb on MOVE’s Osage Avenue home in West Philadelphia. Both … Continue reading

Let’s Build Liberation: A Conversation with Chris Crass on Anti-Racism and Revolutionary Struggle

Could you give a brief history of your own organizing and activist work? I got into politics in high school when I was 15. My best friend, Mike Rejniak introduced me to politics and punk rock. We had a group … Continue reading

Interview with Max Elbaum

Max Elbaum is a longtime activist and author of Revolution in the Air, crucial reading for all of us who want to build movement for collective liberation. Elbaum uses his experience, knowledge, research and passion for social change to give … Continue reading

The Battle of Seattle: The New Challenge to Capitalist Globalization Edited by Eddie Yuen, George Katsiaficas, and Daniel Burton Rose

Since the WTO protests of 1999, there have been countless articles and books purporting to “document” and “explain” the so-called “anti-globalization movement.” Plenty of academics, journalists, and NGO directors have capitalized on this opportunity; indeed, more than a few have … Continue reading

Entretien avec Chris Crass

Yves Coleman: Tout d’abord merci d’avoir pris la peine de répondre à mes questions. Peux-tu me dire brièvement quel est ton itinéraire politique et personnel? Chris Crass: J’ai commencé à militer au lycée lorsque j’avais 15 ans. Mon meilleur copain, … Continue reading

Organizer as a Catalyst: An Interview with Laura Close

Laura Close moves fast. I first met her at a student activist conference when she was on tour with Call to Action giving workshops around the country. In between leading workshops on group decision making and strategic planning she would … Continue reading

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